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Team Otter

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Joshua Glassman

Artistic and Executive Director

Joshua Glassman is a tenor, conductor, educator, and arts administrator based in Boston, but he is no stranger to Vermont. In college, he taught at Point CounterPoint Camp and performed at the Salisbury Meetinghouse in 2022 before taking over as Artistic and Executive Director of Otter Creek Music Festival in 2023. His in-laws live in Shoreham, and he is dedicated to strengthening the Central Champlain Valley's musical offerings.

Career highlights include solo appearances with the Grace Church Choral Society and the Jupiter Symphony Chamber Players in New York, serving as Artistic Director of House Music Philadelphia, Conducting the Penn Glee Club, and performing the role of Henry Crawford in the American premiere of Jonathan Dove's Mansfield Park among many other operatic and musical theater roles. He currently serves as the Individual Giving Officer for Boston Children's Chorus, where he also assistant conducts BCC's Premier Choir.

He couldn’t be more thrilled to be stewarding this Otter Creek Music Festival into its next chapter!

Glenn Andres

Founder and Director Emeritus

Architect, professor, Salisbury resident, and music-lover Glenn Andres founded the Salisbury Summer Series in 1979 in celebration of the Salisbury Congregational Church's 140th anniversary. In doing so, Glenn partnered with nearby Point CounterPoint Camp and featured the PCP faculty recitals throughout the summer. For over 40 years, Glenn developed and nurtured a beloved concert series for the benefit of the surrounding community.

Glenn taught architectural and urban history at Middlebury College from 1970 through spring semester 2015. His research spans from the Italian Renaissance through 19th century America to post modernism. He holds a bachelor’s degree in architecture from Cornell University and a Ph.D. in architectural history from Princeton University.

He has published works on Renaissance villas, the architecture of Florence, New England meeting houses, Vermont regional architecture, American modernism, and the work of Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer.

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Jacques Otterbach

In the heart of 18th-century France, as the fervor of revolution swept across the land, there lived a young, spirited otter named Jacques Otterbach. Born and raised along the banks of the Seine, Jacques was unlike any other in his clan. From a young age, he displayed an exceptional affinity for music and possessed an insatiable curiosity about the world beyond the water's edge. His parents feared for his safety but knew they couldn't keep him from exploring his curiosities.

Jacques's life took a remarkable turn one fateful afternoon when he stumbled upon an abandoned violin in the ruins of an old château, formerly inhabited by a member of the bourgeoisie who recently received a haircut from a barber who took just a bit too much off the top. The instrument's weathered elegance and marble inlayed pegs fascinated Jacques, and as he delicately plucked its strings, a newfound passion ignited within his heart. The vibrations seemed to resonate with his very soul, and Jacques knew that he had discovered his life's purpose.

Under the guidance of an itinerant musician who had sought refuge by the riverbank, Jacques honed his violin skills. As the melodies flowed from his heart and through the strings, he transported listeners to worlds of emotion and wonder. The river itself seemed to sing in harmony with his music, and word of the prodigious otter violinist spread far and wide.

However, the revolutionary fervor that gripped France could not be ignored. Jacques's mentor, the musician, became embroiled in the political turmoil, forced to choose between his ideals and his art. Fearing for Jacques's safety, the musician made a heart-wrenching decision. He instructed Jacques to flee the country, to seek refuge in a distant land untouched by the chaos of the revolution.

With the melody of his mentor's final composition echoing in his ears, Jacques embarked on a journey of escape. Through forests, over mountains, and across rivers, he braved the perils of the land, his violin always close to his side. Along the way, he encountered kind souls who offered guidance and shelter, reminding him that the world could still be a place of compassion and hope.

Jacques's journey eventually led him to the serene expanse of the Green Mountains in Vermont. There, among the towering trees and rolling hills, he found solace and a new beginning. He built a humble den by a babbling brook, its gentle murmurs reminiscent of the river that had once been his home.

As the seasons turned, Jacques's music once again filled the air. His violin's ethereal strains wove stories of his past, of France and the dreams he had left behind. Villagers from nearby towns would gather in the green meadows to listen, enchanted by the otter's enchanting melodies that seemed to carry the weight of history.

Over time, Jacques became an integral part of the Vermont community, sharing his music and his warmth with all who crossed his path. His story of survival, love for music, and unwavering spirit resonated deeply with those who heard it, a reminder that even amidst the darkest times, the human spirit could endure.

And so, the legend of Jacques Otterbach, the otter who played the violin and escaped the turmoil of the French Revolution, lived on as a testament to the power of art, resilience, and the enduring connection between individuals and the places they call home.

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